Picnic Day 2021

Naomi Manel Jayawardene
LBYG Committee - Head of Events
On the 18th of April 2021 the LBYG committee members organised a fusion of ‘LBYG meet and greet’ with ‘LBYG family day’ and named it ‘LBYG Picnic Day’. Picnic day was created to introduce and welcome new members and their families into LBYG, as well as to create a fun-filled day with the current members of the youth group.

The initial stages in organising the event consisted of finding a suitable park to accommodate the possible activities that had been planned. Since most past LBYG events had taken place at Nurragingy Reserve, the committee members were seeking a new location that would be close to both the current members and those that were attending on the day. With all this in mind, Lakes Edge Park was chosen as the most suitable park for our very first Picnic Day.

Lakes Edge Park is located beside a lake with play equipment, several bridges to walk across whilst viewing a metal sculpture rising out of the lake, plenty of greenery, and huts with built-in electric BBQs. As the location for the event was chosen, it was then discussed amongst the committee members what types of games would be included on this day. Considering this event would have participants of all ages, the games that we had decided for everyone to participate in was:
Participants were given a sheet full of questions from categories such as Buddhism knowledge, general knowledge, music, tv shows, movies, history, and geography.
Amazing race
A competition where teams had specific stops all around the park to complete different challenges to gather clues to help them reach the finish line.
Broken telephone
Players in their teams stood in a line whilst the committee members sent a phrase to be passed from one person to the other.
A customary activity that occurs every LBYG event with two teams on opposite ends of the rope trying to drag the other across a centerline.

During the weeks leading up to picnic day, the committee members created a Facebook page to spread the word and invite those within the community. Once a considerable amount of people had notified the LBYG committee of their attendance on the day, a list was created to arrange and allocate those attending to preferably bring a plate of food or drink.

Whilst the planning for the day such as the food and items were being established, two of the members – Tihara (LBYG Treasurer) and Sugandha (LBYG President), visited various entertainment venues to obtain sponsors for the upcoming event. Kindly, Strike Bowling and Holey Moley had agreed and offered 5 tickets for each venue with the inclusion of some giveaways. Within the final week leading up to picnic day, all the committee members started to shop for essential items such as food, utensils, and activity props.

During this time, one of our committee members decided to assemble a winner’s hamper with gifts such as a planner, jigsaw puzzle, word search book, bottles, sweets, and car scents to name a few. The first ever LBYG Picnic day was a huge success with those who participated enjoying the new location for the event, the excitement of meeting new faces, and the challenging games that had been planned for our members, families, and friends.