Editor's Note

Nethmi Ratnayake
LBYG Committee - Chief Editor Footprints
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the 2021/22 Edition of Footprints; an edition like no other. As our magazine’s previous edition was unable to be produced in hardcopy, this year’s publication aims to combine the best of two years’ worth of content.
‘Footprints’ is an annual magazine published by the Lankarama Buddhist Youth Group (LBYG), distributed with the aim to edify readers on a variety of Buddhist concepts. Each magazine contains valuable contributions from members of both the LBYG and the wider community, broadening our collective knowledge base each year.
Following on from the introduction of creative pieces into last years’ edition of the magazine, this years’ also includes poems and drawings as well as the regular enlightening articles about various Buddhist principles.
A massive thanks goes to our president, Nadeesha Abayaratna, for entrusting me with the responsibility of putting together this publication. It has been my great pleasure to read and look over every submission in this years’ edition, and I am immensely proud of the final outcome. Again, I thank Nadeesha as well as Nipuna Weerasinghe for their support and guidance every step of the way. Another thank you goes to Ashnith Wickramanayake for the hours he dedicated to help me iron out the finer details of the magazine.
I am extremely grateful to the LBYG members along with our contributors from the wider community who took the time to research, write and create the variety of submissions you will see in the coming pages.
It is my greatest hope that there is something in here that clicks with everyone; whether it is an image you relate to, an article that sparks a memory or an LBYG event that intrigues you to join our group.
But above all, I hope that you learn something new; maybe there is a topic in here that inspires you to delve deeper, learn more and may even, change your life.
Happy Browsing!